
Throughout your course, you will encounter quizzes and exams; each fulfilling a key purpose for your course. All exams are presented as multiple choice and pull from the relevant chapter, section or course content. Unlimited attempts are allowed for quizzes and exams within the online course.

Chapter & Section Quizzes

Short quizzes will be presented as you complete chapters or sections of content. These are provided to ensure you are understanding the material as it is presented and fresh. In general, these are viewed as "gates" before moving onto new and different information. Prelicensing online courses require an 80% or better on each chapter quizzes. For Continuing Education, courses in states that require these exams require a passing score of 70% or better to proceed; otherwise, the quiz is for your knowledge only.

Comprehensive exams

Comprehensive exams are implemented into the prelicensing online courses and online practices exams. This exam acts as a practice, simulated licensing exam, that may be attempted as many times as needed for additional practice. The exam questions are reviewable, providing rationale and relevant content* for each question. The comprehensive exam questions are generated from a large pool of questions, and repeat questions will not be generated until each question has appeared, at which point questions are randomized for future attempts, ensuring no two exams will be alike.

Certification Exams

Most states, and thus most courses offered, require a Certification Exam to award credit. This exam is linked from the Course Overview screen and will also be presented naturally by proceeding to the end of the online course material. This exam is closed book and, depending on your state, may require a monitor present to award credit. Monitor requirements are explained prior to the exam start and monitor details are collected on screen before starting the exam.

In order to receive credit from the course, the Certification Exam must be passed with 70% or better, as well as completing the affidavit which follows. If you are not immediately presented with an affidavit upon passing your exam, return to the Course Overview page with the Chapter Listing, re-select the Certification Exam and click Get Affidavit.