If you are the owner or an administrator of an organization, you have the option to adjust permissions for students and other users connected to your account. Permissions may be defaulted, or customized per user, and may be updated at any time.
After logging in to your For Business account, select the user group you would like to work with under the "My Organization" tab. Click the name of the student or manager to access their account details. Select "View Permissions" to assign and customize the desired User Role. Once your permissions are chosen, click "Save" to update the account.
When customizing the user permissions, you have the ability to grant or remove access to specific account features. The dropdown box under "Choose a User Role," will allow you to select set user roles and permissions for the individual. If a specific permission setting needs to be changed for the individual, you can toggle the "Customize permissions" switch and manually modify their permissions.
These features consist of: