You may add additional filtering, sorting, and paginating to the /v1/Tracking/Overview/All request if you would like to reduce the subset of users returned. These are entirely optional, requesting without these parameters will return all results.

Here is a sample request:

Sample Request.png


This is the number of results you would like to return. The minimum number you can pass is 1, the maximum number of results is 100. If there are over 100 records, you will have additional pages.


This is the page number you would like. If you make an initial request and there are 5 pages of results, you can pass the same request with a different page number to get those results.


You can pass a manager's UserId if you would like to filter on his or her assigned students.


You can use "And" to return results that only match all filters. You can pass "Or" to get results that match this condition, in addition to the other conditions.


This is the value you would like to pass as your filter.


This is the field you would like to sort on.


This is the type of sorting you would like on the SortField. Options are “asc” for Ascending or “desc” for Descending order.


The filter container is where you pass your filter. Each filter further limits the results.
