In addition to our physical materials, we offer downloadable online materials in a PDF format. These may be downloaded and utilized outside your student account.
To print a single slide which you are viewing, you may click the printer icon to the upper right or bottom center of the screen, depending on the platform in use. This will open the print dialog, allowing you to select your printer and print settings you would like to use.
Alternatively, you may have access to a full printable manual for your course, depending upon authorizations by your state*. To view this option, navigate to the Course Overview page or click Outline, where all chapters are listed. To the right side of this page, you will have the image of the book cover and, if allowed by your state, the link to print/download the manual. Some states have a separate state law PDF, in which the link is found above the Course Orientation & Instructions. Once the link is opened, you may save the PDF file to your computer or print the documents.