An Organization is a centralized account with designated leaders. Leaders have the ability to assign students to whoever needs access. It is built to be flexible for any type of team such as Agencies, Branch Offices, Call Centers, and Home Offices.
To create your Organization, go to the A.D. Banker for Business portal. From here, create or log into your A.D. Banker account. If creating a new organization, you will be prompted to name your Organization.
Getting Organized
To tour your Organization and actions you can take, select your area of interest below:
- **Pre Licensing -** this section provides details of your Pre Licensing Dashboard, Student Tracking and Email Notification options
- **Continuing Education -** this section provides details of your Continuing Education Dashboard Student Tracking and Email Notification options.
- **Enrollment -** this section provides details on how to enroll and review orders for your organization's students.
- **Resources -** this section provides details on how to upload documents or web links, and share them with your team and students.
- **My Organization -** this section provides details on how to manage your Students, organize your Managers, create Custom Properties for Tracking, and load Custom Resources for your students to access within their courses.