We offer a guarantee* to refund the cost of your materials if you don’t pass the state exam on the first attempt. If you do not pass the state licensing exam within 3 days after scoring an 80% on our Guarantee Exam, send us a copy of your state exam results, and we will refund the cost of your materials. The Guarantee Exam can be found online on your student dashboard.
To qualify for reimbursement:
A.D. Banker will refund the cost of your materials if you don’t pass the state licensing exam on the first attempt. To qualify for reimbursement, you must meet the terms of our Guarantee Policy by satisfying all of the following criteria:
To begin the Guarantee Exam, click “New Exam Attempt” below.
The Guarantee Exam is not required to complete your prelicensing course. The Guarantee Exam is separate from other exams that may be required for your course, such as the comprehensive exam or certification exam.