An online account is required prior to placing an order on our website. To create your online account, click Sign Up in the upper right of our website.
Section 1: Email & Password
The first section of account creation is your email address and password.
- You may use any email address, provided you have access to the email account and no other student uses that email address on our site.
- Your password must meet the criteria below:
- Between 8-20 characters
- At least one Uppercase Letter
- At least one Lowercase Letter
- At least one Number
- At least one Special CharacterSpecial Characters include ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) < > ? ` ~ , . = + - / | { }
- If an error is found in submitting the account, this field will be cleared for re-entry. The issue may have been with the password or another field, seek out red text to identify if the issue is in another field.
Section 2: Profile Information
The profile contains your personal, contact, and license information. Only fields marked with an ***** are required for an account to be created. If one of these details is required for a product you are purchasing, you will receive a secondary prompt on checking out.
Section 3: Manager Information
This section is optional and is used to link you to an employer/manager.